Peter Smith
Canadian Anti-Hate Network

This article has been updated to include the third person arrested by police on Saturday.
The followers of self-proclaimed “Queen of Canada,” Romana Didulo, found themselves in handcuffs over the weekend as their attempts to arrest officers of a local police force went awry.
A small crowd of people gathered outside the Peterborough, Ontario, Police Service on Saturday. Their stated goal was to begin to perform a citizen arrest of members of the department, though the tables quickly turned and several of the queen’s subjects were arrested.
Didulo is the founder of the “Canada 1st Political Party,” a registered business rather than an official party that saw its leader declare herself the reigning monarch of Canada early in 2021. Crediting this appointment to the same secret benevolent actors that helped elect former President Donald Trump, Didulo and her followers belong to a uniquely Canadian branch of the QAnon belief system. One that believes in a globalist cabal of pedophilic cannibals controlling society from the shadows.
Viewable over live streams and videos posted after the event, Didulo arrived in a recreational vehicle she has been using to cross Canada, visiting followers and issuing decrees from the road. There have been several iterations of the camper truck, dubbed “Queen Romana One,” or QR1 for short. By her own account, 11 people travel with her in this vehicle.
The event was endorsed by Didulo, who arrived to “observe” the arrests of the Peterborough Police Service, as organized by her follower, Peterborough local Frank Curtin. Curtin has posted numerous videos online of himself serving a variety of locations and individuals with Romana’s cease and desist letters – including the Peterborough Police, as early as June 2021.
Didulo, live streaming from an outdoor green space on Monday, surrounded by her “staff,” said her team had no part in planning the “citizen arrests,” instead putting the blame primarily on Curtin and "aggressors" within the crowd.
Far from condemning the attempts to arrest the police, she said her previous instructions required those taking officers into custody to have a space to hold the prisoners for 24 to 48 hours.
Video from the event shows Didulo spending the afternoon inside her RV, live streaming to her followers, while protesters, including Curtin, shouted into a locked door.
“Then at approximately 4:00 pm officers arriving for their shift were blocked by protestors who also tried to gain access to a secured entrance of the police station,” police wrote in a release. “The officers attempted to take a protester into custody when officers were surrounded. A protestor then struck two officers.”
At the time, the crowd consisted of 30 protestors, police added. Two men, 54 and 56-years-old, were taken into custody for mischief and resisting arrest; and two counts of assault respectively.
Video that captured the arrest shows Curtin moments before, arguing with a man driving a truck into the facility's parking lot. While Curtin and the crowd explain to the man he will be arrested, the camera swings away and then back to Curtin, who is suddenly seen scuffling with several officers.
Screen capture of Frank Curtin being arrested on August 13, 2022, outside the Peterborough Police Service building. Source: Telegram
He and another individual are shown being wrestled to the ground by officers while the crowd yells that the police need to “stand down” and they too will be arrested.
On Monday, police announced in a video that a third arrest took place on Sunday related to the protest.
"Officers took a 31-year-old Peterborough man into custody for his actions during the incident at the rear door of the police station which included kicking the door to the station and striking an officer while doing so," police said. "The suspect then repeatedly kicked at the door and further encouraged others to participate. The suspect then went to another area of the police parking lot and began yelling and banging on the windows of several police cars with officers in them preventing them from leaving the station"
Law enforcement also released the details of two suspects wanted for the alleged assault of a counter protester.
Boots On The Ground
Having followers show up in person has consistently been a talent of Didulo, who shortly after the original announcement of being appointed queen, was regularly able to have followers showing up at pharmacies, city halls, vaccination centres, and police stations to deliver “cease and desist” letters demanding an end to public health measures under the punishment of death – these impromptu protests outside of a school has
Her previous antics have included a call for armed “duck hunters” within both Canada and the United States to seize control of Canada-US border crossings, media outlets, government buildings and more. As her profile has grown, garnering her currently over 60,000 followers on the app Telegram, she has added elements to her own mythos. Didulo has previously claimed to be the queen of the world, to be a divine being of extra-terrestrial origin, in possession of advanced healing technology called “med-beds,” and instructed her followers to stop paying their bills.
Since the events in Peterborough, Didulo has distanced herself from the events that led to the arrest of her followers, claiming there is a “false narrative” that she gave a guarantee to “Freedom Fighters Groups/Movements saying Special Forces will back them up.”
What her official Telegram channel did say days before the event, however, in a notice to the public was that “Armed Forces, Special Forces, Black Ops and Special Ops to deploy all necessary personnel to the said locations to ensure Peace, Safety and Security of the We The People and the Kingdom of Canada during the We The People pending arrests of the Peterborough Police Officers.”
On the day of the attempted arrests, Didulo met with Frank Curtin and told him that she had informed the US military of her presence for the arrests and asked them to serve as “backup.”
An account identified as belonging to Curtin has appeared in Didulo’s primary public chat, telling others he is okay, and apologizing for attempting to complete the arrests without the required amount of people – a number since said to be in the thousands.
During her Monday press conference, Didulo announced that the van staff would be waking at 1 am and starting “leadership training” while making their way to the Northern Territories – the next reported stop on her Canada-wide tour.