Shopify’s Handling of Kanye West Nazi Shirt Sales Part of a Bigger Problem
Internal leaks report the site was removed because it was “not a good faith attempt to make money.”
Mr. Paul Stoyan
Gardiner Roberts
15 January 2019
On behalf of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, we write to express our deep concern about a presentation that took place at Gardiner Roberts' offices on December 6th featuring an individual named Dr Martin Sherman whose presentation was titled "Israel's Stark Option: Arabs in Gaza or Jews in the Negev":
Our concern stems from the fact that Sherman's presentation at Gardiner Roberts shares the same title as the attached written article published by him dated 18 November 2018 in which he closes with a call for Israel to engage in the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Gaza:
“The solution to the problem of Gaza is its deconstruction—not its reconstruction. For, at the end of the day, it must face a regrettable but unavoidable dilemma: Eventually, there will either be Arabs in Gaza or Jews in the Negev. In the long run, there will not be both!”
We note that the International Criminal Court cites ethnic cleansing - the deportation or forcible transfer of population as a crime against humanity.
Whether this individual’s presentation at your firm included such material or not, it is difficult for us to understand how Gardiner Roberts can reconcile providing a platform to someone who only weeks earlier publicly called for a crime against humanity when as lawyers in Ontario you have sworn to “champion the rule of law and safeguard the rights and freedoms of all persons.”
We urge Gardiner Roberts in the strongest possible terms to ensure that any speakers at your firm in the future are consistent with upholding this fundamental obligation.
cc: Malcolm Mercer, Treasurer, Law Society of Ontario