Canadian Soldier With Ties To Neo-Nazi Terrorist Groups Arranged For Illegal Weapons Sale In Bosnia

Moonlord aka Nikolajević told another Blood and Honour member that he was outed in 2016 and that an officer gave him the opportunity to leave the neo-Nazi group

November 14, 2019

Canadian Anti-Hate Network

This project is in collaboration with Anti-Racist Canada and Yellow Vests Canada Exposed.

Blood and Honour group photo. Source:


‘Nick’, who identifies as a fascist, a racist, and a “violent fanatic,” says he is a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), according to private messages and posts on the now-defunct Iron March forum.

The Iron March forum existed for self-identifying fascists and neo-Nazis and gave rise to terrorist groups such as the Atomwaffen Division (AWD). It had approximately 87 users with Canadian IP addresses, according to a newly released dump of information which included private messages. Nick and Zeiger (aka Gabriel Sohier Chaput of Montreal) were administrators. Nick encouraged people to join AWD, and called the members killed in Florida by one of their own “my associates.” Chaput is wanted in Quebec and his current whereabouts are unknown.

Nick was active in the forum and reaffirming his membership in the Canadian Armed Forces until it went down in November of 2017, claiming to work in an office-based noncombat role with the Navy. On the forum he would promote fascist reading materials and glorified terrorist attacks.

“100 Breiviks who fight the system using violence are worth more than a million ‘fascists’ who think about what their image will be.”

Breivik murdered 77 people, including children, at a Worker’s Youth League camp in Norway in 2011.

Nick, who’s profile includes the description “worshiping school shooters,” told a frustrated high-school student on Vancouver Island: “if you really want to stop the leftists at your school you’re going to have to use more than just arguments, but at least it’ll be a permanent solution don’t break the law though.”

Nick also encouraged other fascists to join the military, as previously noted by VICE, but he says he wouldn’t follow orders that went against his fascist beliefs and told others that you “can always go AWOL [away without leave] or shoot your CO [commanding officer].” He says he wants a system collapse, a “cleansing,” and to “re-establish order with extreme violence.”

“No one hates Canada and the Canadian military more than me, yet here I am . . . they pay you to teach you the methods you need to destroy them.”

In private messages he told another member of Blood and Honour (B&H) that his membership in B&H was discovered and an officer gave him the option to leave the neo-Nazi group:

“I was talked to by an officer at the base about ‘not divulging sensitive military information’ and ‘not being a part of any racist groups’, I wasn’t accused or threatened but I got the message. They could have just discharged me immediately.”

He says it was an easy decision because he was already planning to leave Blood and Honour – other posts suggest he was disillusioned with B&H because it wasn’t extreme enough. However, Nick remained affiliated, telling another user in September 2017 that he still “see[s] them every few weeks but I am not in the forefront anymore.” Elsewhere, he brags about having set up the B&H website.

Blood and Honour, which has since been designated as a terrorist entity, is not listed as one of the six hate groups the Canadian Armed Forces acknowledges has been in its ranks in a November 2018 report on ‘White Supremacy, Hate Groups, and Racism in the Canadian Armed Forces’.

The Canadian Armed Forces says they are investigating and that they have taken several steps in the last year to address hateful conduct, including improving its screening process, requesting an ombudsperson inquiry into racism in the CAF, working with national security agencies to establish best practices, and addressing each of the 36 serving members identified as having engaged in hateful conduct in the 2018 report. The full response is at the bottom of this story.

Between March and June 2017 Nick arranged for an arms deal in Bosnia with ‘FrenchSoldier’, another forum user who says they are from Marsaille and are looking to buy handguns, assault rifles, and an RPG-7. FrenchSoldier told Nick “If I can have such material, the future of France will be changed.”

They made arrangements for a sale of handguns in August and larger weapons in November if everything went well. They may have moved their conversation to another chat platform and it is unclear if the deal went through. However, according to other posts, Nick was in Bosnia in June when he said he would be checking on the weapons before the deal in August.

Nick also tried to connect with former soldiers and a trainer in the Azov Battalion in order to set up a US-based private military company that would apply for government contracts in Africa.

Here’s what we know about Nick:

  • He is a dual Serbian and Canadian citizen, and is an ultra-nationalist. He started as a white nationalist but explicitly disavows white nationalism later and identifies as a fascist and racist.
  • On September 16th 2017 he said he was 23 years old, but he also used the username nik1991. Today he would be in his mid to late 20s.
  • He give his name as “Nick” and also went by Николајевић.
  • He lived with his parents in Calgary while attending University in 2015. He started in an accounting program and moved to a “’Science and Technology’ program focusing on anthropology, minor in History."
  • He was with Blood and Honour since 2013 or 2014 and formerly with the Aryan Guard ; he says he was open about his beliefs in Calgary and wore his “terrormachine/combat18 shirt to [his] favourite bar.”
  • According to Nick, he was in the CAF in 2016, and participated in training in Quebec in late May /early June 2016; he says his “tent mates are an autistic antifa weeb, a pajeet, a 25 year old Chinese guy also probably autistic, and a aspie from New Brunswick;” was with the CAF in Alberta in July 2017; and was “going away with the military from July to September.”

Screenshots from the Iron March forum can be found here:

If you have any information that may lead to the identification of Moonlord aka Nikolajević aka Nick, please write us at [email protected].


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From: Defence spokesperson Daniel Le Bouthillier

To: Canadian Anti-Hate Network


Firstly, I think it’s important for me to say that we truly appreciate the Canadian Anti-Hate Network’s important work in responding to hate group activity in Canada. It certainly isn’t an easy task.

That said, I also want you to know that I have passed on the information you have provided to internal authorities for follow-on as they see fit.

Now, it might be difficult to positively identify an individual based on the information provided, especially given the vagueness of their claims, but it is certainly a matter we are taking seriously.

In any case, and as we have oft stated before, individuals whose behaviour reflects disrespect for Canadian values, including acceptance and respect for diversity, are simply not welcomed in the CAF.

There is no place for them in a military that often engages with local populations of diverse cultural beliefs, at home and abroad.

The making or sharing of statements – whether verbal, written, online, or otherwise – which the CAF member knows, or ought to know, would promote discrimination or harassment on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination as defined in the Canadian Human Rights Act is completely unacceptable. Prohibited statements include those that express racism, sexism, misogyny, violence, xenophobia, homophobia, ableism, and discriminatory views with respect to particular religions or faiths.

Discriminatory conduct and / or associations threaten operational effectiveness of the CAF and undermines trust and cohesion required between our members. Any form of discrimination on the basis of prohibited grounds under the Canadian Human Rights Act runs completely counter to military ethos and the national values that the CAF exists to uphold and defend.

CAF members are expected to respect the dignity of every person. This is a fundamental principle of our Code of Values and Ethics. Members of the armed forces must treat everyone they encounter with respect and fairness, while promoting diversity and the strengths that come from a diverse workforce, CAF members must encourage a workplace that is safe, healthy, and free of harassment and discrimination, and work together in a spirit of openness, honesty, and transparency that promotes commitment, collaboration, and respectful communication.

As such, the Canadian Armed Forces has measures to ensure our leaders, our investigators, and our recruiters are properly trained, and that prospective applicants are thoroughly screened.

Recruiting detachments members are often able to recognize signs that could point to a belonging or affiliation to groups that do not share CAF values. Indications of hateful beliefs or activities disqualifies applicants from enrolment into the CAF.

Screening and verification procedures include interviews, a criminal records check, cross-referencing employment history and qualifications, medical and aptitude tests, and suitability screening. Recruiters who conduct suitability screening interviews undergo training aimed to identify members who are not suitable for military service.

Furthermore, psychological tests such as the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) assesses a candidate’s learning ability, while the Trait Self-Descriptive Inventory (TSD) assesses the normal parameters of personality for employment purposes.

All applicants to the CAF sign a Statement of Understanding requiring them to refrain from racist and discriminatory behaviour. If they do not sign the document, they are not eligible for enrollment in the CAF.

The CAF is not immune to societal problems, and recruiting detachment members realize, despite their best efforts, some applicants affiliated with groups that promote hatred or discrimination may still make it through the screening process. However, the screening process remains robust and flexible, and lessons learned will result in improvements in how the CAF identifies and denies the enrolment of undesired applicants.

Another important point is that all CAF members are educated early in their careers regarding regulations on discrimination and hateful conduct, along with the legal and career consequences of failing to meet our high standards.

Commanding officers receive training on these issues annually. Members, overall, receive increasingly sophisticated ethical and leadership training at each stage of career advancement.

The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) has made it quite clear that hateful conduct will not be tolerated within the CAF and so, since last year, several things have happened.

For instance, this past summer, the Minister of National Defence contacted the Ombudsman to request an inquiry into racism in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The Ombudsman’s office is currently reviewing the matter to determine potential avenues of investigation and timelines and will respond to the Minister once the review is completed. We welcome this endeavour and will cooperate fully across all levels and ranks, while continuing our efforts internally to stamp out hateful conduct across the organization.

Concurrently, the CDS has asked for a stocktaking to better understand the issue, as well as a review of best practices and consultations with experts, and a plan to study this issue further within the CAF. That work is currently underway.

For example, we are actively working with national security agencies in order to establish best practices to tackle the issue of hateful conduct. Our military police, Canadian Forces National Investigations Services and National Counter-Intelligence Unit are also fully engaged in the matter.

Furthermore, last year’s report into the matter, which found that 36 serving members might have had associations with such groups, have either been – or are in the process of being – addressed by the Chain of Command.

While we can’t comment on individual cases, we can say that the Chain of Command is engaged and is following this issue closely.

As an example, measures have ranged from counselling, warnings and disciplinary measures (in 16 cases), while 7 are no longer in the Canadian Armed Forces. Some of the other cases are ongoing.

Simply put, in any instance where information indicates discriminatory behaviour by a CAF member, action is taken.

Our ongoing efforts to change our culture are crucial as we work to make the CAF a modern, forward-looking organization where people are welcomed, feel safe in their workplace, and are judged solely on their competence and contribution to Canada’s defence goals.

I look forward to reading your piece and I hope you manage to stay warm in what feels, at least for us here in Ottawa, like a very early winter.

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