Shopify’s Handling of Kanye West Nazi Shirt Sales Part of a Bigger Problem
Internal leaks report the site was removed because it was “not a good faith attempt to make money.”
The Canadian Anti-Hate Network is deeply concerned that Faith Goldy, a prominent figure in the alt-right movement who associates with neo-Nazis, has registered to run in Toronto’s mayoral campaign.
Formerly a Rebel Media personality, Goldy was fired after she appeared on a podcast associated with the alt-right neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer following the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, where Heather Heyer was murdered by a neo-Nazi.
Goldy shares neo-Nazi talking points and slogans such as the infamous Fourteen Words coined by the leader of the neo-Nazi group The Order, which was responsible for the murder of radio host Alan Berg.
Goldy has been associating with members of Students for Western Civilization, which is named in the Alt-Right Montreal leaked chat logs that led to the expose of Montreal neo-Nazi ‘Zeiger’. The logs reveal that the leader of Students for Western Civilization met the Alt-Right Montreal crew in person and was in their internal chat room. They provided ‘security’ for Goldy when she was invited for a talk at Wilfrid Laurier University in March, organized by Lindsay Shepherd and the Laurier Students for Open Inquiry.
Goldy has been kicked off fundraising platforms, like Patreon, which cited her sincere recital of the Fourteen Words in its explanation. Last week she retweeted a tweet from a 4chan account referencing an antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jewish people control finance and the media: “As shown by the deplatforming of @FaithGoldy, the financial system is run by a nasty group of people that has controlled the will of the people for far too long.”
Her activism also targets Muslims and other non-white Canadians and she has called for another crusade in the Middle East.
“We expect her to try to use her Mayoral run as a platform to spread hate,” says Amira Elghawaby, board member of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. “She should not be invited to debates and we call on the Mayoral candidates to pass on any debates where she will be present so not to legitimize her hateful ideology and alt-right neo-Nazi supporters.”