Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Image: Unsplash
The Canadian Anti-Hate Network is looking for new board members and new advisory board members.
Our mandate is to counter, monitor, and expose far-right and white supremacist movements, groups, and individuals with every legal, ethical, and reasonable tool at our disposal.
We believe in a world where nobody, especially members of equity deserving communities, are threatened by far-right movements. We act as a watchdog, collecting and publishing information to prevent Canada’s far-right from organizing uncontested in the shadows. This allows us and others to create roadblocks to far-right movements and blunt the harm they cause.
Our culture is close-knit, inclusive, compassionate, and rewarding. We count on our board for oversight and to help us hold true to our principles in the face of outside pressure and lawsuit threats. Our board members guide us to be as courageous and risk-taking as possible without jeopardizing the whole existence of the organization.
Board members are expected to help set the direction of the organization and hold its team accountable to our ethics and objectives. They represent the organization and occasionally speak on our behalf to media, community organizations, and policy makers. They’re expected to help fundraise. In total, it’s a time commitment of one to two hours a week.
We especially welcome candidates from the 2SLGBTQ+ and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, Black persons, women, nonbinary, and trans persons, Asian persons, and all other equity seeking communities that are targeted and affected by hate.
We take steps to prioritize safety and mitigate risks, but being on our board will make you a target for threats and harassment campaigns. Our board members have to be resilient and know how to prioritize their mental and emotional health.
Successful candidates don’t need board experience, a degree, or to work in a professional field. They do need to be passionate advocates who are ready to roll up their sleeves. They should be pragmatic and principled and able to work well in a team environment.
We are also looking for advisory board members. The advisory board meets twice a year to give recommendations to the Canadian Anti-Hate Network on its direction and public activities. In between these meetings, members of the advisory board are expected to raise issues and concerns they’re hearing in their communities. They help us understand how our work is received by their communities and the wider public, and how to build goodwill. They’ll help us with a couple fundraising campaigns. Unlike full board members, advisory board members don’t appear on any public records and they can choose to keep their participation private if they have significant safety concerns.
If you are interested in joining our board or advisory board, please send a short CV and 250-500 words describing yourself and why you want to get involved to [email protected]. Please let us know if you would benefit from any accommodations in your application.
Thank you!