Diagolon Influencer Deletes Telegram History, Announces Hiatus From Streaming
This decision was followed by an announcement that Diagolon would delete its private, pay-to-enter chat room.
July 16, 2019
Canadian Anti-Hate Network
On May 8th the city of Hamilton put former neo-Nazi Heritage Front leader and IT employee Marc Lemire on leave pending an independent investigation as a result of media coverage. Lemire was hired by the city around 2005, which was in the same time period he was active in the neo-Nazi movement.
Lemire operated a blog with neo-Nazi and racist materials while he was a city employee. He took the blog down after being exposed in the media earlier this year.
With the Lemire investigation likely to wrap up soon, we are releasing a summary of the racist and hateful material hosted on his blog. We previously provided this information to the investigators.
While this investigation is ongoing, the Hamilton Police Service, Mayor Eisenberger, and city council, are presently facing criticism for setting an example of what not to do in the face of hate group activity.
Our original letter to the Mayor and City Council:
Dear Mayor Eisenberger and Members of Hamilton City Council:
I am a human rights lawyer in Ottawa and brought the successful human rights complaint against Marc Lemire for online hate (http://canlii.ca/t/1q60s).
I have commented in numerous media stories about the recent exposure by Mack Lamoureux of VICE Canada that Marc Lemire is an employee of the City of Hamilton. I note that since the VICE article, various media reports have indicated that Marc Lemire denies any ongoing role in the neo-Nazi movement, minimizes any prior role despite Federal Court findings to the contrary, and claims that this was all many years in the past and that he is now reformed.
I do not believe this to be true. Marc Lemire openly acknowledges that he is responsible for the website http://www.freedomsite.org/. It took me less than 5-minutes to come up with multiple examples of Holocaust denial material from Marc Lemire's Freedomsite website that remain available as of right now.
Marc Lemire continues to publish to the world columns by Holocaust denier Philip Belgrave and others and at the bottom of the columns readers are invited to submit material to the webmaster (Lemire) for publication.
The first article is titled "What is Anti-Semitism" and states that Jews were not exterminated nor were they the principal sufferers in WWII, links to Ernst Zundel's Holocaust denial website calling it a "Detoxification Program to Cure the Politically Correct of the Hollywood version of the Holocaust", and links to 3 other Holocaust denial websites - URL link below and pdf version attached:
"In the Second World War many Jews suffered, but the European Jews were not exterminated, nor were they the principal sufferers."
Graphic from the Zundelsite - "A Detoxification Program to Cure
the Politically Correct of the Hollywood version of the Holocaust"
The second and third examples repeatedly refer to the Holocaust as the "Holocaust Industry" using this common neo-Nazi term to imply that the Holocaust is a manufactured or grossly exaggerated event to extort money rather than a genocide perpetrated by the Nazi regime:
The Latest in Holocaust Mania
The Holocaust industry is like the toy rabbit in those battery commercials that is seen enthusiastically pounding a drum to a voice-over stating "It just keeps going and going...." The message is that the brand of battery that is running the rabbit outlasts all other brands and operates well past expectancy. The Holocaust campaign seems to have a similar battery.
The art world is known to be the ideal place for practicing shams and pretentiousness and unearned money-making at the expense of the despised bourgeoisie. Therefore it is no wonder that the Holocaust Industry has expanded from its successful and continuing rip-off of the World’s banks, into the national art galleries of the World.
I am confident that if I continued my search, I would find further such hate propaganda. Based on the fact that Holocaust denial material remains available on Marc Lemire's website, I submit to you that he is not fit to be an employee of the City of Hamilton.